The Power of Interpersonal Email Marketing June 23, 2022, | Posted by Kia Zalewski

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One of the most powerful, and often under-utilized tactics in any marketer’s arsenal is interpersonal emails, which is often overlooked. By utilizing the power of employee email signatures, you are creating a channel that’s far more personalized and engaging. Studies have found that the average employee sends about 40 emails per day, and utilizing this communication which is already in place can help you convert conversations into new subscribers. By implementing a solid email signature marketing strategy today, you can easily increase your dedicated email list. 

Startups and companies with limited funds often have to scale back on funding and costs, and email signatures are a fantastic and cost-effective way to easily source new leads. However, even larger companies organizations can benefit from this tactic, as one-to-one marketing is highly effective as it is so personalized. While the average email blast receives between 10% to 30% open rates, day-to-day emails sent from employees receive nearly 100% open rates. By including messaging in the signature of these emails you are creating a marketing channel in content that your reader is likely already engaged in. 

Even the most brands don’t gain the same trust as individuals, as consumers know that brands have an overarching agenda. Consumers are likely to trust information on a company from individuals over corporations, as people are more likely to relate to other people. Through personal, one-to-one emails, you’re capitalizing on a trusted means without additional daily labor and effort. Marketing through your email signatures is affordable and easy and each and every conversation is an opportunity for conversion. By taking this one step to add messaging to your employee signatures, you’ll be utilizing one of the most simple yet effective means to convert subscribers, build brand loyalty, and increase your bottom line. 

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