Increase Engagement with Newsletters September 14, 2021, | Posted by Kia Zalewski

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With so much focus on social media, many marketers are struggling to see the value of email marketing within their overall communications strategy. However, when employed properly, emails are one of the most effective forms of communication. Good marketers employ email marketing as a conversion tool, but great marketers understand that emails can also share stories, build brand connections, and provide value, and not just sales offers, to your readers. One of the best ways to use emails is through compelling newsletters that help you connect with your audiences. When written and designed cleverly, newsletters can even resemble editorial pages that engage readers with news, industry updates, thought leadership, and tips and tricks on how to use your goods or services. In fact, email newsletters are 40 times more effective in acquiring new customers than both Facebook and Twitter combined.

When crafting newsletters, ensure that they contain news. If something is positioned as a newsletter, but is obviously a hard sales pitch, you risk losing the trust (and future clicks) of your subscribers. Newsletters should be created as content marketing, and while they can include calls to action, the main goals should always be relevance and engagement rather than sales. The material in a marketing email should feature a product or service, pricing, or offer, while a newsletter should be to share insights and updates.

While the frequency of newsletters depends on industries, it’s best to err on the side of caution. Weekly or monthly round-ups are enough to keep you relevant and top of mind, without being annoying. To best understand the preference of your particular subscriber list, frequently monitor stats such as opens, clicks and unsubscribes for insights and preferences. 

Want to include newsletters in your email marketing strategy? Contact Site Impact to hear how we can help.