Introducing the Personal Shopper Model July 30, 2021, | Posted by Kia Zalewski

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One of the easiest and most effective ways to truly engage with your customers is to enable the personal shopper model. Like many things in marketing, this model takes on an aspirational approach, showing customers ideal versions or themselves and helping them envision who they can be. 

The personal shopper model has various benefits; increasing personalization for consumers, creating desire for your products and services, helping customers discover new products, and increasing engagement. By communicating with each of your subscribers like they are speaking with their very own personal shopper, you can not only market to who they are, but you can help them define who they want to be. This takes some tact though, as it’s important to market and reinforce products and categories that you already know they love, while helping them find new products that could resonate with their lifestyle and needs.

Just like no one likes a pushy car salesman or an overbearing retail experience at a store, subscribers want helpful, kind, and knowledgeable assistance with their purchasing decisions. This is why sending relevant emails is more important than sending lots of emails. In order to best apply the personal shopper model, companies can turn to data. By delving into behaviors from past campaigns and website visits, companies can leverage existing information to create highly personalized content and recommendations that appeal to specific users and keep them engaged. The best marketers help their customers discover new items and can constantly predict the future needs of their subscribers. This doesn’t involve magic or mind reading, it’s simply understanding their buying and browsing patterns.

Ready to utilize the personal shopper model in your email campaigns? Contact Site Impact to hear how we can help.