B2B Brands Increasingly Making Email Personal April 02, 2021, | Posted by Guest

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The fact that B2B brands have shifted to email marketing in the past year in larger numbers than before is a trend that we at Site Impact have already written about--and one we don’t see changing anytime soon. Even after Covid-19 is fully under control, the bell has been rung. A recent study by Sendoso shows that email marketing is the top digital channel that B2B businesses are looking to invest in this year, and in the top three for all channels; even more importantly, B2B brands have recognized that blast emails just aren’t going to accomplish what they want. As a result, Sendoso’s study documents also that B2B email marketing campaigns are getting increasingly personalized.


Making business personal

The increase in email marketing through the Covid-19 crisis has resulted in what experts are calling “digital exhaustion.” Of course, digital marketing has increased across platforms--it isn’t just email that’s seen a spike. This issue is affecting everyone, across industries, as brands attempt to strike the balance in their marketing efforts. More recently, B2B brands have begun to recognize that they need to stand out from the noise; they need to bring more to the table than standardized offers and broad appeals. According to Sendoso’s study, the result of this acknowledgement has been a shift to “Human 2 Human” strategies, including for email. 88% of the B2B revenue leaders studied for the Sendoso report have transitioned to the H2H model. And of course, that’s just one study; multiple reports on the B2B email marketing climate indicate that there’s a shift towards more personalized content, offers, and subject lines. Business owners want relevant content, relevant offers. They want the brands they work with to provide higher value. 


Personalized B2B email gets results

There’s a good reason that B2B brands are increasingly turning to personalization to boost their email marketing results: it works. It’s become more and more of a norm in B2C email, and business owners looking to market to other business owners can easily understand that it works just as well for people shopping for their businesses. B2B audiences are interested in offers that are relevant to their budget needs, and content that provides value. Email marketing strategies centered around providing personalized campaigns that answer the questions that prospects have--from the most basic to the most advanced--achieve a lot more for B2B brands than generalized emails that only talk about broad sales and offers, or which aren’t specific to the prospect’s needs and concerns.


B2B companies are increasingly finding that broad, generalized email marketing campaigns aren’t enough anymore. As the recent Sendoso report shows, B2B brands are turning more and more to personalization to bolster their email efforts, and it’s no surprise. Personalized content and offers that answer the concerns of business owners are a lot more successful, and in a time like this every edge helps. By adding value to the content you send out, your B2B audiences will be much more likely to convert, and that’s really the goal. Contact Site Impact to learn how we can help you reach your B2B prospects.