Behavioral Targeting Can Boost Your Email Marketing Results September 18, 2020, | Posted by Guest

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If there’s one thing that is constant across email marketing efforts, it’s the drive to always get better results. Site Impacts experts are always looking for tricks, strategies, and techniques to drive more conversions, to get more clicks, more opens, and better numbers across all the metrics that matter. One way that isn’t exactly new but which can sometimes be ignored in the shuffle is behavioral targeting: using data about consumer behavior to send tailored messages to specific audiences. Today we’re going to look a little bit more deeply at what behavioral targeting is and how it works.


Behavioral targeting and email marketing

There are many different channels in which behavioral targeting can come into play, but of course we’re most interested in email. When it comes to email, behavioral targeting involves data collected on not just site visits but also expressed interests in different hobbies, spend data, and buying history information provided by consumers. Taking these factors into decision, various subsets of your pool of prospects can receive specific messages that pertain to what they are most concerned with and what appeals to them the most. In this sense, behavioral targeting is a kind of personalization; it takes into account the data you have access to, in order to deliver a message that’s almost individual rather than a broad blast.


Behavioral targeting makes the most of your budget

By targeting your email marketing messages based on the behavioral data of your audiences, you actually get more for your money. Studies repeatedly show that consumers prefer to receive personalized messages and tailored content that pertains to their specific interests and concerns. On top of that, data and analytics about email marketing performance show that consistently, targeted messages get higher rates of opens, clicks, and conversions. Behavioral targeting does require more campaigns aimed at smaller audiences, but the increase in performance means higher revenues. It also is an improvement over targeting based on demographic factors, because--while demographics can certainly indicate a set of specific concerns and desires--behavior gives a more detailed, granular portrait of a prospect’s priorities and needs. 

Behavioral targeting makes good sense for businesses looking to solidify their recovery and make steady gains in their revenues heading into fall and winter. Even as marketing budgets are slashed, behavioral targeting helps to increase revenues for businesses of all sizes, making each campaign more cost-effective and increasing ROI. It’s an important tool to help tailor your marketing messages to the specific groups of people who are most likely to respond to them, as well as to find those audiences in the first place. Contact Site Impact to learn how we can help you to make behavioral targeting based on data a part of your email marketing repertoire.