Comparing Metrics: Google Analytics 4 vs. Universal Analytics March 16, 2023, | Posted by Kia Zalewski

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If you’re a website owner, chances are you have heard about Google Analytics 4 (GA4) and Universal Analytics (UA). While they are both powerful tools for analyzing your website’s performance, there are some key differences between them that you should be aware of. In this blog post, we will discuss the main differences between GA4 and UA to help you decide which one is right for your business.

What is Google Analytics 4?

Google Analytics 4 (previously called App + Web properties) is the latest version of Google’s analytics platform. It offers an enhanced set of features and data collection capabilities that make it easier to manage and analyze your website traffic. Unlike Universal Analytics, GA4 uses a machine-learning based approach to identify user behavior patterns, giving you more accurate insights into how users interact with your site.

In addition to its improved tracking capabilities, GA4 also offers various new reports such as Cohort Analysis and Behavioral Flow Reports. These reports give you insight into how users interact with different pages on your website over time, helping you better understand their behavior and optimize your site accordingly.

What is Universal Analytics?

Universal Analytics (UA) is the predecessor of GA4 and has been around since 2013. It was designed to provide website owners with more in-depth information about their visitors than was available in previous versions of Google’s analytics platform. UA does this by using “custom dimensions” that allow website owners to track data points such as user engagement or pageviews from different sources like search engines or social media platforms.

Comparing Metrics

One of the most significant differences between GA4 and UA is the metrics each platform collects and their data collection methods. For example, while UA focuses primarily on pageviews, GA4 focuses on events such as click-through rates or purchases made on a website. This gives website owners more detailed insights into user behavior so they can optimize their sites accordingly. Additionally, GA4 also offers event-based attribution models that allow marketers to measure the impact of their campaigns across multiple channels instead of just relying on page views or clicks alone.

Google Analytics 4 has a lot to offer compared to its predecessor Universal Analytics—from enhanced machine learning capabilities to new reports and attribution models—making it an invaluable tool for collecting detailed insights into user behavior on your website. However, it’s important to note that these two analytics platforms have different metrics and methodologies for collecting data so make sure you choose the one that best suits your needs before making any decisions! With all this in mind, it's clear why Google Analytics 4 is quickly becoming the go-to choice for many webmasters looking for a comprehensive view of their web traffic performance!