AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Marketing May 30, 2022, | Posted by Kia Zalewski

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With AI (artificial intelligence) increasingly becoming a factor in our everyday lives, it’s easy to get nervous about how it can overtake the need for human resources. AI is one of the most dominant forces shaping marketing, but it should be seen as an asset and addition to the human workforce, not as a competitor. When used correctly, AI can help maximize marketing capabilities, and more and more companies are utilizing the power of AI technologies to amplify their marketing efforts. 

In order to best understand how AI can work for you, it’s wise to start with a roadmap and vision that includes where you want to utilize AI to achieve specific goals. One of the best places to implement AI is in data analysis. Machine learning algorithms can provide clean data and better understand your customers through algorithms that can deliver information on your customer’s identities, preferences, and buying behavior. However, it’s not enough to set it and forget it, and this is where the importance of human resources comes into play. A trusted individual who not only corroborates the results, but also understands how and when to use them is an important piece of the marketing puzzle. 

Marketing AI consists of independent AI, which takes a narrow approach to perform tasks, and integrated AI, which is often broad and part of something bigger. AI should be used to enhance marketing functions, rather than replace and run it completely. AI can be used to help optimize results in various marketing channels, from digital advertising, email campaigns, content marketing, and customer service responses, and when used correctly, can help drive long-term, tangible results.

Ready to harness the power of AI for your marketing needs? Contact Site Impact to hear how we can help.