Should You Mention Covid-19 in Holiday Ads? October 21, 2020, | Posted by Guest

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There are a lot of unprecedented decisions to make this year as we head into the holiday shopping season; a major conundrum is whether or not to make mention of the pandemic raging around the world in email marketing campaigns. Site Impact knows that there is a lot of advice on both sides of the question, so today we’re going to dig into the opinions and the data to help you make the most informed choice possible.


Optimism or realism?

A recent study asked consumers what they think about holiday shopping messages and the current, ongoing pandemic. It’s no secret that many consumers are looking forward to the winter holidays as a welcome respite from worry and uncertainty--but it’s worth noting that the hopes and optimism are often being countered by harsh reminders of the challenges that come along with the pandemic. Many consumers don’t even know whether they’ll be able to attend big gatherings this winter, which plays a role in their shopping needs. According to a recent study that surveyed 800 US consumers on the topic of holiday email marketing efforts and whether or not they expect or want to hear about the Covid-19 crisis, 42% of the respondents think that there should at least be some reference to the pandemic. However, 57% of the survey participants said that they wanted holiday ads to make them feel happy--which is not entirely surprising.


Whether or not to mention the pandemic depends on many factors

Ultimately, the decision to mention the crisis or not will depend on a number of variables, and will have to be assessed by each business individually. In order to make the best possible decision, it’s important to consider a few key points. One factor that comes into play is to what extent the crisis will impact your brand’s operations; if there’s a possibility of limited open hours, or if you’re planning on rolling out new options to help consumers socially distance while they shop (free shipping, click-and-collect style online purchasing and in-person pickup, and so on), it’s worth mentioning the pandemic. On the other hand, it’s a good idea not to dwell on it too much; nobody wants to feel depressed during this time of the year. Even if the pandemic won’t be impacting your business in a major way, it might not be possible to just ignore what’s happening. 


There’s a lot of risk involved in the decision of whether or not to mention the ongoing pandemic and its challenges. Surveys suggest that a slim majority of consumers are more interested in inspirational and joy-focused advertising than in being reminded of the uncertainties they’re facing. Of course, it may be impossible to avoid the subject entirely, particularly if the pandemic is likely to impact the way you do business. Be careful to frame any mentions of the situation carefully, and focus more on the ways you’re meeting the challenges rather than the uncertainties that come along with it. Contact Site Impact to hear how we can help you strike the balance in your email marketing campaigns.