Email Marketing Lets Brands Stay Connected During Covid-19 March 30, 2020, | Posted by Guest

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Last week we touched on the ways in which the novel coronavirus known as Covid-19 has already begun to make its impact felt in the email space. Now that countries and states are increasingly giving the order to shelter in place, practice social distancing, and overall limit trips outside of the home, email marketing is a crucial link between brands and prospects; there are few channels that provide the kind of personal connection that email does, or that give a better return on your investment. Site Impact knows that it’s a difficult time for brands of all sizes right now--and we’re here to help with some advice on how to stay connected with your prospects during this crisis.


Offer free shipping proactively

Social distancing and shelter-in-place orders make it harder for people to get out and do shopping; but those same orders of the day don’t take away the need--and desire--to shop. One of the ways you can keep your business going is to offer free shipping, or low-cost expedited shipping to your prospects. Several big brands have already started offering the service, which has enabled them to keep things going. As long as shipping is still happening, as long as the post office and other delivery services are still operating, it’s possible to get products to your customers--and by offering the option for free or for a lower cost than usual, you can encourage purchases. 


Explain what’s happening and set expectations

The biggest thing that email marketing succeeds at is communication. Getting a message across clearly and explicitly is the unique strength of email, and at a time like this it’s important to keep that in mind. Use email to set expectations and communicate details about how your brand is dealing with the pandemic: safety precautions you’re taking on behalf of your employees, expected delays, and everything else associated with your brand’s response to this global situation. Obviously, you don’t have to delve too deeply into all of the details, but your prospects and customers will want to know what you’re doing and how you’re handling things--and email is a great channel for more detailed explanations than can fit in other media.


Get personal

People are fairly uncomfortable, anxious, and downright freaked out right now. The best way to connect with people is to address them as people first; get personal. Of course, this doesn’t mean you should get overly personal or too familiar--make sure to toe the line. But while people are uncertain and trying to make sense of the world around them, a personal touch can really help ease things, and give your prospects a sense that everything will be all right, that normalcy will return. Address the fears we’re all living with, address the uncertainties, and bring in a little of your own self, and you’ll be certain to forge a connection that lasts beyond the current crisis--and reap the rewards from higher engagement.


Now that it’s becoming clear that Covid-19 will continue to be a global phenomenon, keeping people indoors and encouraging them to avoid going out, email marketing is a key method for remaining connected, and reaching your prospects. Use email to get personal, communicate and explain, and consider making things even easier for your prospects to convert by offering free shipping or discounted expedited shipping or other perks proactively, and you’ll have the benefit of more engaged audiences, and strong numbers that will help you weather the crisis as much as possible. Contact Site Impact to hear how we’re ready for anything.